Let's try this approach...I will agree "net"
is thought of as a abbreviated term for network [depending on the country].Why
don't you agree that Image Online Design's dot web is a popular TLD...and is considered
"web" wherever you go in the world it has the same meaning...
Yes/No...or all of
the above...
BTW: My postings on here tonight prove that I am committed to
what I believe in....I have posted on the ICANN message board for over two years....I
have been a long time supporter of many issues with respect to the DNS...not just
Image Online Design...I was a candidate for the At-Large seat on the ICANN board
(Karl Auerbach won it thankfully!)....I was very persistant on the ICANN message
board last year calling for an Independent Constinuency Group on the DNSO....Hopefully
this puts things into perspective...I believe in Image Online Design as a business
person, as a concerned internet advocate, as a human being, as a active member of
the internet community....TO put my SEAL on what I belive in I post using my full
real name....You will find that common among Image Online Design supporters...Who
are you Internet Advocate?...Who are you challenge?....Who are you spot? Did you
choose your names because "Anonymous" was taken?? Jim Fleming posts can be a little
confusing at times and downright irritating, but at least we know who he is and what
he believe in. We certainly know who "Richard Henderson" is...He is the guy
who saved things for us landrushers...
I am not here to convince you of anything.
I post here to inform...If I appear to be selling anything, I am not...You don't
have to do anything, but go right on past my posts...However I always throw in a
little extra...Information is key ...That is why we come to this board...To get the
latest on dot info or biz, etc....They are "topics"...keep this in mind...dot web
and Image Online Design are also "topics" and have been for over 5 years!!!
SO the word "opportunists" is not in the Image Online Design Supporter manual.."Patient
people" is a term we like to use....We are committed small business owners (mainly)
trying to tell ICANN and the DOC what we know to be true...Image Online Design's
dot web should have been uploaded a long time ago....Nonetheless this fight will
be no less sweeter come 11/2002. It will be a victory in the name of "competition"....A
little understood concept, that will tested when Image Online Design is approved...