"For those wondering why I posted this here...well for one, calling NetSol doesn't
seem to get much accomplished "This is exactly why we moved all of our domains
to Registrars.com. They provided the absolute best customers support and online management
tools that I have ever witnessed from a registrar. Well, they DID ...
they were purchased by Network Solutions/Verisign and the tech support IMMEDIATELY
(the next day) was back to Network Solutions atrocious standards. So much for "Introducing
Competition Into the Market"
Example: Getting DNS servers established with Network
Solutions took us several months the first time we did it. Getting them established
with Registrars.com (pre-NetSol purchase) ..... 10 minutes! (Seriously)
Now we're
back in the same boat of get-you-off-the-phone-as-quickly-as-possible-without-solving-your-problem
support we were in before.
Terrible support, wasted time and wasted money ... that's
the sum of my experience with Network Solutions, both pre and post purchase by Verisign.
Apparently, there's no getting away from them.
Chris Grady