Exactly where is this marketing
budget supposed to come from? How much cash do they have on the books?
Does anyone believe they will actually borrow this money? Are the registrar affiliates
going to donate to this cause? Does anyone really think this management team
is going to say "ok, let's lose $10 to $20 million in year 1 but we are sure to make
it up next year or the year after. We've got .com right where we want 'em."
Did anyone really believe that they would ever make such a business decision once
in operation?They are at 500,000 units. Say they triple this number over
the next 9 months. That's a whopping $9M in revenue for 12 months. Where
is this global marketing budget supposed to come from? And how exactly are
they even going to triple registrations over the next 9 months? I think most
would agree that the first 500,000 units are the easiest.
There's no marketing
going on because $6 per unit does not allow for it. There is a chance they
could get to 2M or 3M unit registrations by year 4 or 5 without any marketing expenditures
to speak of. Just sit and wait. Which decision would you choose today?
Why should anyone be surprised by little or no marketing or promotion right now?
shall see if lack of promotion is now a by-product of the first round application
process where if an applicant came in higher than NSI pricing, they were basically
ruled out. It allows .com extended years of dominance in the market place with
very little challenge.