Yes: six of the names which I registered during
Landrush and three of the names which I registered live are still not in my account
management (although all are showing on Afilias, but some with partly inaccurate
contact information!). I have called Netsol several times (plus the many times I
kept on the line during 20 minutes - from overseas - without any reply...). Each
time, they seemed willing to help (obviously the person at the end of the line is
not responsible)... each time, nothing was solved, and I had to begin again from
the beginning the next time, despite report numbers issued, etc. In addition,
watch your credit card debits: I had very strange experiences with the names bought
through Netsol live. My credit card was debited for all three of them, then on the
following day I got a reimbursement on my credit card for two of them. No explanation,
no reason... and people at Netsol are unable themselves to know. I tell them about
that: "Oh, then it means you have not registered the domain names. Register them
again." I reply: "No, they are on the Afilias Whois. It is impossible to register
them again." Reply: "But they are not on your account manager?" - "No, I told you
several times already." They: "Well, if they are not on your account manager, you
should register them again, otherwise they would be on your account manager." Me:
"But I told you they are on the Afilias Whois." Etc, etc. Once you reach them,
people at Netsol take their time - but I think that they are just part of a big business,
and you never come in touch with those people who might do something. Anyway,
I will NEVER use Netsol again in the future. I recommend to everybody
once again: at a third of the price asked for by Netsol, excellent support via e-mail,
efficient service. If only I had known them earlier!
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