According to
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") is a California non-profit
corporation with certain administrative responsibilities for technical management
of the Internet, derivative of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Plaintiff Economic
Solutions, Inc. has entered into a contract with the Central American country of
Belize to attempt to commercially market Internet domain names ending with ".bz,"
Belize's country code top level domain ("TLD") suffix. Aware that ICANN's annual
board meetings are to occur this week, plaintiff seeks a TRO enjoining ICANN from
establishing a new generic TLD of ".biz," ".ebiz" or any other designation which
would be confusingly similar to the ".bz" TLD.
Dot-com is confusingly similar to Colombia's dot-co TLD? Yeah, right! Plaintiff
Economic Solutions, Inc. is a greedy moneygrubber trying to corrupt the system for
self-enrichment at the expense of all others.