I wonder who will get the sanctions payment?Looks to me, like spreading the spoils
of crime.
I would say, those robbed under a
fraudulant Sunrise and Landrush scheme.
Anybody want to buy some lottery
tickets for my TLD?
It has one lottery for trademarks and one for normal people.
Though I have no licence to run these lotteries, I do not believe that it violates
any gambling laws.
The trademark gets priority over normal people - but normal
people will not mind losing the right to use these words. I do not believe that it
violates the First Amendment.
Of course, the normal people may be paying for a
lottery that has no prize - as it had gone to the trademark. But I do not think that
illegally fraudulant.
I will not check anything at all on each application, only
the credit card number. But I do not think that criminally negligent.
Some may
tell normal people to buy in trademark lottery - either because it is the only chance
you will have to get a word, or to make more profit from you.
But you must not
do that - it is supposed to be naughty. Even though I do not consider it incitement
to commit trademark fraud - and what is wrong with corporate greed?
Some think
it naughty that I can get to keep trademark words for myself and my friends can have
any they want also. But I should not come under the same corrupt rules as you should
You may ask, Why should I be allowed to do these unlawful things?
To make
more profit from you, of course.
Oh by the way - the name of my TLD will be .SCAM