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Username: James Fleming
Date/Time: Tue, November 6, 2001 at 8:16 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 4.0
Subject: You got me all wrong, but I cant help agreeing with the sentiment!


      "Danny-boy" didnt take up on Gregory's "When trouble pops up America is there" line.

      If Gregory means "When it suits America's largest companies, the US will (once covertly, now more openly) engineer 'positive outcomes' for its interests. Often this will eventually lead to such instabilities that 'trouble pops up'.... dont like a country/its leadership because it wont roll over for your multinationals? First step, stir up unrest. Next, assist in installation of pro-US miliary government. Finally, allow rampant corruption to flourish, provided US companies get to use cheap labour to produce their Nike shoes etc, get cheap minerals/petroleum etc, free access to large markets...
Uh-oh - dictatorship now not playing by rules? Wants to dig itself out of the shit? WAR!!! Uncle Sammy doesnt like to be talked back to!

      Anyhow! This isnt exactly on-topic, but hell, as if any of the on-topic complaining about ICANN, Afilias, et al did any good anyway!!!

United in Greed

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