>You don't need to be smart
to get a master's degree. Especially if you're corrupt and have money. You can pay
for excellent quality assignments to be written for you. He must be a bit smarter
than I gave him credit for though- I didn't realize he had some people so wrapped
round his little finger... There is no harm in using money for good.
Not sure why you're telling me that.
Al Gore tried to apeal to the righteous by
>I understood that there was mistrust from both sides over this issue.
If I am wrong, I apologise and stand corrected. I will check with a third party,
as I am more interested in the facts, rather than winning the argument.
Al Gore
was deceitful.
>I really have no idea who was cheating who, and neither do you
probably. Yet, I am sure both sides are full of corruption, as it is so rife in business
and politics today in the Western world.
Corruption is acceptable for the good
of the righteous.
The Supreme court is sometimes right.
>No, they
had one choice of two people. This is as little choice as the definition of the word
choice allows for. And in fact my posting was to explain that this is why I do not
discredit anyone for the way they vote.
The choice was between good and evil (Gore).
haven't conducted a study of that and you're biased. I seriously doubt it as your
potential leaders are limited to the few who can afford the huge media campaign.
Your presidents buy their way in. Having said that the systems other countries use
are often no better.
US is true western democracy like Israel.
>The Americans
I have met have been mostly very nice people. I believe they are a very charitable
nation. The most charitable people I ever met personally were a Cypriot family who
were truly angels.
They were Greeks not Turks.
>However I would not say any
nation is the most charitable in the world, as it is impossible to quantify- the
poor man who gives what little he has is far more charitable than the rich man who
gives great riches at little cost to himself. You'd be surprised how may countries
believe they are the most charitable in the world.
Israel is charitable - we take
in all disposessed.
>Indidentally your invitation to people to email me about
my 'ignorant egotism' serves as no weopon against me. For a start why did I choose
to give a hotmail account, when I'm clearly a buyer of domains? It's dispensible.
You are cowardly like your heroes.
Supporting the Free Market helps support
America. You might not like your registrar giving better names to people who have
the power but thats how we maintain the strength.