(Correction: .net = .org in
final Paragraph from message below)Note: I am using generic .info location names
and I have at least started to get some type-ins. .org seems to do very well as far
as type-ins go as well; .net to a much lesser degree.
I hope .info will emerge
to at least generate traffic like .org and perhaps equal .com (someday).
That (traffic
generation) is the only value domain names hold.
The idea of a domain name having
value because of potential business ventures is invalidated because of the .com shakeout.
As webmaster scavenge in the rubble to survive, traffic generation is the sole redemption
value for domain names.
The risk is speculating that alternative domain name endings
(.to, .tv, etc) will eventually equate to the big 3 (.com, .net, .org). I believe
this speculation has resulted in severe losses and is unjustified by todays standards...
I have high hopes for .info. The rest should be considered "Also-Rans".