I note with dismay that the executive of Wooho registars, Jonh Wb Lee, registered
42 Sunrise names for himself, mostly Geographical names, countries, etc.Are we
seriously expected to believe that these names are all legally trademarked for him?
they turn out not to be, Afilias are running a dirty business if they continue to
recommend his company. How can honest customers be expected to trust their money
to companies Afilias officially endorses, if it turns out they cheated the general
public and abused the Afilias Sunrise systems?
Then again, Hal Lubsen's company
were at it to, making money from abusing Afilias's own processes, so what hope is
there of any honesty from this seedy sordid "abomination".
No wonder honest Director,
Robert Connelly, was appalled at this whole shambles and "abomination" as he called