Right > I know most of the posters and me have not gotten off to the best of
starts. It's been a rocky period in my life: of shouting, name-calling, sulking,
and a love-hate-love relationship that can never resolve itself (not unlike one too
many domain names I don't care to mention).
But I really do have a serious point
to say. I think what you're all doing is absolutely precious. Admirable even. What
my point is simply this: what will posting on a forum that has become overcluttered
with rubbish (OK, shucks, I'm not exaclty helping now am I?!!!) actually do to alleviate
the problem?
We need action people. Action. Real action. Not just cyber action
- although I'll admit that I don't mind the occasional bit of cyber action. We need
people to march the streets, picket lines, and barrage congress with calls and housecalls.
We need to get the message to the citizens of the world about what is going on!!!
We need to hire private investigators, get some dodgy policemen to frame the culprits,
bribe juries. Do whatever it takes until Justice is served.
I love this country
and everything it stands for. Don't let the Bin Ladens of the world let it be encapsulated
in bondage for ever.