Greetings. I have found that my generic .info terms
are starting to get some, if limited, type-ins. Is anyone else getting favorable
if any results on their web stats? I think of all the crap out there, .info is
the only one worth its salt. I am not pumping .info (I own less than 20, well selected
names). However, I don't think that generic term variations in .info will amount
to anything in the near term.
And dot biz? I don't believe that .biz will be very
useful to webmasters, because the random type-in probability figures to be low because
of the business condition. The value of a domain name is (and only is) the potential
traffic it generates. The antiquated model of a domain name being valuable because
of its potential as a business venture is obsolete. If a name generates no random
type-ins by web users, there is no tangible value that can be assigned to it.
is why is nothing. There is absolutely NO PROBABILITY that someone will type
one of these numerous alternate extensions in the hopes of finding content on the
web. Most web surfers type domain names into browsers to randomly seek out information
on a topic. These random searches are proven to be primarily in .com and .org. All
in All, I am pleased that .info is starting to show some signs of life.
Name Investors: If you have not gotten generic terms in .biz or .info, just forget
domain names. Buy junk bonds or penny stocks: they are a better investment than the boiler room or buying up phrase variations and search terms in .biz and .info...
Luck and dont bet the farm.