Afilias has posted updated
Sunrise challenge procedures. Looks like progress in closing loopholes, and
getting ready for the big mass-challenge Afilias promises for the end of December.In
the old .info Sunrise process, ysomeone could challenge and take away a name even
if they didn't own a trademark for that name. Pretty lame. But from now
on, if you challenge a name and want to take it away, you have to prove you own a
registered trademark for it.
Afilias is also addressing the problems that regsitrars
created when they submitted data incorrectly. Afilias is not letting anyone
change their sunrise WHOIS records. But it is setting up a parallel database
that will help them figure out what Sunrise registrations were valid, and which ones
Afilias should challenge.
It's progress...
No word yet on how or when the names
will go back up for claim by the public.