Insult me again and you will regret it.> Garry. Think about the complexities
of world trade and law. You have no idea what you're talking about.
I appear
to know more than you.
> First, regarding First Amendment rights. The
U.S. Constitution states that the government has the right to issue patents (trademarks
are an extension of the premise). The Constitution was also designed to protect
property rights. Pretty much the same in all countries. BTW, nothing
prevents you from registering a domain name so that you can exercise your free speech.
You can buy a name and put up a site any time you want. You're whining about
your inability to get a very particular name that you wanted. Sorry, but the
Constitution doesn't guarantee you the right to get your way every time.
You have
know idea what you’re talking about. UDRP is being used to take the words that they
have bought (even generics - etc.) - so you can’t buy a name and put up
a site any time you want.
> Your main contention is that trademarks are sometimes
issued for generic words, which allows the trademark owner to unfairly get the matching
domain name. Your argue that a trademark owner has no more right to use a particular
domain name than anyone else.
> Truth is, ever country has different standards
in their trademark laws, and there's no way in hell anyone can reconcile their different
practices. I personally think trademarks are a decent but flawed way to do
things, and that it's a crock when a corporation uses that to get a name like "".
But I have not seen a better system proposed. Nothing in life is completely
fair - get used to it.
All countries I have looked at use the same standard. They
can all be seperated by 4 attributes - 1 name - 2 class - 3 country - 4 identifier.
show me where this is not the case - I doubt you will.
> Garry, your argument
really falls apart when you examine it. For example, in your world, who would
decide whether a word is "generic" or not? Would you prefer a panel go through
the entire dictionary and decide what is generic and what is not?
No - that is
why ALL words should be allowed. Why should ANY word be sacrosanct?
All registered
trademarks are identified with ® trademark symbol ('R' in a circle or RTM) to advise
people that the mark is legally registered and protected by law - why should it be
different on the Internet?
So why should I not be allowed to complain
about my crappy car?
>ANd on top of that, a word can be generic in one language
but not in another. You want to discriminate against someone because of their
language or country? All of the above would be not only unfair, but a huge waste
of time and money.
That is why ALL words should be allowed.
> Also, trademarks
are only treated specially in the .biz and .info sunrise periods. Of the many
eligible trademark owners, only some claimed their names. In other words, lots
of good generics were taken, but it could have been worse. There were lots
of good names available in public regsitration, and I got some.
Why should business
get priority over people in an OPEN TLD?
Since when did Big Business own the dictionary?
You link to to support your statements. That's a silly
page with silly arguments. It claims that Afilias is squatting on ""
for example. How is that squatting? Yes there are many people who own
trademarks on the word "search". So you're saying that those trademark owners
should have priority claim over "" instead? In one swoop you've
gone from claiming that genric names should be open to anyone to claiming that trademark
owners should have priority.
You are of low intelligence - I was making the point
that trademarks have been using UDRP to take their name - including generic words.
Yet Afilias has taken these.
> Q.E.D. Pull your head out of your bum.
It is
you that has head up orifice.
How are all businesses to get their trademark - if
every time Apple Records (or any of the hundreds of other Apple trademarks) go for
apple.TLD - Apple Computers say it would cause consumer confussion.
You clearly
have no idea what you are talking about.