Anybody who supports Afilias has to be viewed with suspicion.Afilias have shown
themselves to either be the most incompetent idiots on the planet OR to be corrupt.
The lack of due care argument, which may later be used in their court defence, is
too pathetic to be contemplated.
It is my true considered and informed opinion,
given the nature and extent of what has happened (on record) - that they are CORRUPT.
say, "That's a silly page with silly arguments. It claims that Afilias is squatting
on "" for example. How is that squatting?"
Common words have been
taken with UDRP - if those were squatting, then so is Afilias.
From your support
of Afilias - you obviously do not believe them incompetent or corrupt.
So what
is your opinion of Afilias?
I do not think you and DaveKing2 are the same person.
Your writings are clearly different. You use stupid argument to try blacken my character.
started this part of thread by insulting me and put up idiotic argument. You did
not know that .uk TLD was not included in UDRP.
As regards trademarks - you know
nothing in which you speak - yet you say you know more than the experts and lawyers
in this field.
You are clearly a troll - looking for a fight.