Most of european patentoffices don't allow to register
trademarks for generic words. (see example patentoffice in german.....translation....."Trademark
permissions like e.g.. for" " or " " are therefore for
the goods " motor vehicles " just as from the entry excluded as the words " Cabriolet
" and " roadster " even (' 8 exp. 2 NR. 1 MarkenG).
Now, as a lot of generic words are listed with trademarks, maybe it make sense to
discuss topics :
- How get companies or indivduals worldwide equal chance
for generic names ?
- How to find a fair end for sunrise registration , as a lot
of companies/individuals registered generic names for landrush (not to be fraud)?
How will be the rules for .biz or future.tlds , if trademark will be handled different
worldwide for generic names ?
Maybe you have some ideas to discuss
best regards