FACT: Any trademark attorney will tell you - a business cannot get a the word mark
of its product or service type (class) e.g. Apple Computers cannot have 'computer'.THEREFORE:
As Sunrise is 'supposed' to be specifically for trademarks - any domains taken of
same class would be abuse of mark. This also goes for any WORDS, LETTERS, AND/OR
NUMBERS IN STYLIZED FORM which may have been granted. The reason it was granted,
was because it was a 'graphic' and not text.
Would any brave lawyer, reading this,
wish to contradict me?
The socks company with trademark 'computer' would not be
allowed to amend mark to include computers.
They would be abusing their mark to
go into that business.
This is why the authorities should be checking that domains
taken in Sunrise do not show the descriptive product or service that they state.
science.info, awarded in Sunrise, does not show science business.
There are many
thousands of businesses in this science classification - is it fair competition or
'unfair competition' that one should be allowed to (ab)use there trademark to get
this domain?
I would say 'unfair competition' - Would any lawyer reading this,
wish to contradict me?
Any domains 'supposedly' taken 'accidentally' in Sunrise
(like I believe them), should be given back.
My WIPO.org.uk site makes it very
clear where I lay the blame.
Why do the authorities (and their lawyers), reading
these posts or going to my site, not defend themselves?
Why do they not tell me,
if I am wrong?
I give message, "With these logically reasoned findings - I truly
believe authorities are corrupt" - and silence is the reply.
I have WIPO.org.uk
to broadcast the facts and SWIPO.org for satire/show disdain.
As the United Nations
WIPO.org take away similar named domains, do you not find that even SLIGHTLY newsworthy?
do you think the media (as we know, mostly controlled by Big Business), do not have
headline - "Cybersquatter on World Intellectual Property Organization"?