They know it is so that ICANN can pretend they are listening to users.It is purely
a tool for show - as can be seen from ICANN response.
People coming here know that
their voice is not heard by ICANN.
A few have show their frustration by squabbling
amongst themselves - hence the long threads of name-calling.
But - though ICANN
do not listen - others do. I have had visits from government, UN, lawyers and Afilias
- coming from here.
I have a methodology for problem solving. Part involves looking
at all available resources - e.g. a tool for them is a tool for us.
I show my frustration
by mocking them with satire - trademarks and Don 'Littlechick' Evans(TM).
using this board as a tool for us - pointing out shortfalls in the system - intelligently
- they cannot say they did not know.
After all they are 'supposed' to be listening
to us ;-)