"Who decides in which juristiction a legal will take place? If I am in the UK and
a company in the US wishes to launch a legal challenge against me, will it be in
the UK or US courts? Is it up to me, or them? Do I get to choose UK? Or can they
insist on US? And if so, does this mean I have to piss about trying to find a lawyer
I've never heard of in a far away land?"Lawyers are welcome to critique my answer
Binational treaties and/or international law determine this.
the jurisdiction is in the country of the transaction or incident generating the
For example, if a British Petroleum [BP] gas pump in America blows up
spontaneously, injuring an American, the lawsuit jurisdiction would be America.
But if an American tourist is injured at a BP station in Britain, then the jurisdiction
would be Britain.
Often, contracts include a clause as to the jurisdiction of disputes,
even as to a particular state in America.
Satisfied with my answer? Or do
you still think I'm blowing smoke out the doors and windows of Microsoft.