registrations. Whether or not YesNic hold .info
Sunrise date qualifying TMs, I think YesNic scammed the .info Sunrise, abusing the
TM system as it applied to the .info Sunrise and abusing the trust of the Internet
community, many of whom will have paid a lot of money to various Afilias registrars
to preregister names taken out of the barrel before Landrush 1.
(I tried
to go to Richard's in order to list the .info Sunrise registrations
of YesNic but found it still barred, I assume under pressure of legal action for
Richard's making public the scale of the scam apparently perpetrated by the executives
of Afilias who are at the same time executives of ICANN.)
Should ever the Afilias
.info launch fiasco be examined in order to punish the individuals behind and who
benefited most from what must be the biggest scam to hit the Internet, then I think
the conduct of some of the registrars should be be a focus, in order that scams such
as claiming to be selling preregistrations for one-name-once-only queues, then submitting
their supposedly exclusive cueue to another registrar to make a composite, non-exclusive
Many in the domain business involved in the Afilias .info launch treated
the the Sunrisers and Landrushers with no respect what so ever, behaving more like
an association of used car salesmen - make the sale, grab the money - than
people involved in the Internet for the long haul.