From article: Dot-Info Claims Get New Scrutiny
domain names will be made available again early next year and will be distributed
through a "random, round-robin" process that is fair to all applicants, according
to LaPlante.
"The folks who were mad should be satisfied that they have an equal
chance," he said. "It should all come out as a wash."
IMO Afilias
spokesperson Roland LaPlante is talking from the orifice abutted by large flabby
cheeks either side (not his gob).
Sunrise is bull*;3C1B108F00001CB3
fairest way to give out landrush 2 would be that, only people who applied for the
domain name in Landrush 1 should draw for it - free gratis. They already paid once
- it would be unfair to make them pay again. After all, it was Afilias fault for
not even checking domain matched trademark etc. etc etc.
I cannot see them agree
to that - because they will not be able to screw more money from you.
happens, all entries for each name should be put its own individual draw. I am (very)
suspicious of the way they did it last time.