Chairman: Fred Upton
Vice-Chairman: Cliff StearnsAll their friends, family,
colleagues, enemies, rivals are about to find out how they've presided over totally
unacceptable corruption
Going one step down the line...
ICANN: Vint Cerf
his friends, family, colleagues, enemies, rivals are about to find out how
he's presided over totally unacceptable corruption
Going one step down the line...
Hal Lubsen
All his friends, family, colleagues, enemies, rivals are about
to find out how he's presided over totally unacceptable corruption
And it doesn't
end there
This disgrace is not going to be swept under the carpet
They say they
are transparent?
I will give them (and all their nearest and dearest) transparency
Internet is a two-edged sword
Let's introduce a culture of honesty into the equation...