You ignore some important points - your logic is flawed - lessons available :-)You
say, "They then sent all registrants an email explaining that there was an error
and all the names were registered under Siegfried Lagenbach's (sp?) name and would
be transferred to our real names after 180 days."
Should anybody this incompetent,
be in this business?
You really and truthfully trust these Jokers? ;-)
You also
say, "In the offbeat chance that that the client really did own the trademark(s)
for the word(s) and you denied them service (let's face it, it's not exactly easy
to check TMs online), you could be sued big-time for neglect to carry out your contractual
Several counrtries have got TMs online - certainly those could have been
checked - in less than a minute.
New Guy, Sunrise is bull* propaganda - ask them
to deny this:
THOUSANDs of new 'open' TLDs will not solve any problem - even if
every one has 'Sunrise Period'
It will not solve 'consumer confusion', 'trademark
conflict' or stop anybody 'passing off'.
Also, as an example on Sunrise, thousands
of trademarks using word 'Apple' have no guarantee of being able to use name.
computers will still protect and make claim to every Apple.[anything] - even though
they share word with 727 others in the USA alone (plus all those in 200+ countries).
- WIPO could have set up a trademark verification system. Given the certainty that
the system would be abused - should not have the authorities arranged to have the
trademarks checked?