In all kinds of forum people are astonished as, again and again, Vint Cerf and Hal
Lubsen fail to respond to issues that reflect on their own competency.They are
bunkered and they dare not inhabit their own forums.
Nobody can take them seriously.
we've got to bring this shameful silence to the attention of their friends and families.
same issues and questions will now be published at and
(as well as at - the Chairman of the DOC Subcommittee).
It shouldn't
be necessary to adopt these tactics and no-one really relishes it.
But it's simple
: their silent refusal to answer questions and engage in open and transparent dialogue
leaves them beleaguered and looking laughable.
Any suggestions as to who to e-mail
with the URLs for these websites when they are launched. For example, it's pretty
obvious that Fred Upton's has to go to every Senator and every Congressman. And it's
pretty clear that Hal and Vint's need to be sent to every single registrar on this
But wouldn't it be much simpler and more constructive if they just agreed
to answer questions in this forum.
Members of the public have been defrauded of
millions of dollars, and these gentlemen have presided over it (and in Hal's case,
his company has taken money to submit fraudulent applications which were visibly
You can't just not answer matters as serious as this.
Open and transparent
dialogue is required.
Who's afraid of that?