"...The large " single POINT OF failure " is for it the dependency of the ICANN on
the American government, that is detrimental to the " stability of the name space
". National the Telecommunication and information administration (NTIA),
belonging to the US Ministry of Economic Affairs, practices still the political
check of the a-root-server central for the function of the Domain name system
(DNS) out �und does not want it up also in foreseeable future not to give. For
Mueller Maguhn thereby the question arises, " whether ICANN at all sense makes,
if at the end the department OF Commerce the decisions falls nevertheless. "..." "...The
hacker finds also the unconcealed influence of the trademark law lobby on ICANN
infuriating. Already with permission for giving representatives of organizations
like the Motion Picture Association OF America (MPAA) a say the network administration
the purely technical area left. Which influence on the not-commercial enterprise already
has the guardians of the mental property, particularly on one the recent ICANN
meeting would have pointed itself to Montevideo. From something over 600 users
approximately 400 were trademark law lawyers...."
from www.heise.de http://heise.de/newsticker/data/em-28.12.01-002/