I am someone who thinks the
Sunrise was a bad idea... The reason is because what is to
become of the domain naming
system, if all the words are "taken".....
One thing lawyers forget is that the rest of the population is
usually smarter then them. Hence, I emplore you to think hard
about what a "generic" term is. If I were to use
Business.Xyz (when more come out) you would be hard pressed
to get that in an american court if I were to get it first.
How many inviduals do you think will now try to go get a generic
TM...ready for the next rollout....
So hopefully
you get the sense from my "tone" that I am trying
convey intelligence, and a little common sense....No threats
all opinion, with Disclaimer explaining to you and everyone that
I am not a lawyer and take my opinions for what they are: