against what we call in Australia - official corruption.I am like you, disbelieving
that the events of the .info and .biz launches could have taken place, equally disbelieving
that ICANN, the registries and too many of their registrars continue to behave as
though they have no fear of censure or penalty for breaches of public trust or abuses
of the authority vested in them by the US Congress.
When this chapter of the Internet's
history is closed, you like Richard Henderson will have every right to a great deal
of satisfaction from your making public what the individuals involved would prefer
remained secret.
It seems to me that we are now at a point where, while there are
ethical insiders who know the facts, they are not in positions of such authority
that they can change or ameliorate the corrupt culture now evident in ICANN.
may take one or more of the principled staff of ICANN or Afilias to share their knowledge
with the media, until then, we have to continue to fight for a DNS administered for
the public good, rather than for the few who currently control ICANN policy and procedures.
up the good fight.