Just a question to the peanut brains at registrars.com, if any of their cranially-challenged
staff are lurking on this forum.They've just sent me an e-mail telling me that
as they did not submit a list of my paid-for pre-registrations (because of Sunrise
.info frauds and .biz legal shambles) they are crediting me $400 for the money I
paid for "nothing".
But they then go on to tell me that I can only spend that credit
on buying domains through them...
This is a bit of a laugh, as they've been taken
over by Verisign/NetworkSolutions and you can't even buy domains at the Registrars.com
They say I'll be able to spend my "credit" on domains "sometime in the week
of January 8th" but I'm presuming I'll have to pay NetSol prices (eg $70 a domain
- which is the biggest scam in the universe when you can get them elsewhere for a
tenth of the price)
What I really want to know from Registrars.com is this:
I deserve my money back (because by their own admission, they never submitted my
pre-registrations) then why why why can't I just have my money???
Is this another
example of accredited registrars abusing their customers, are Verisign party to this,
and what does ICANN say about registrars acting like this?
I paid for a service.
They admitted they did NOTHING. Provided NOTHING. They admit that I deserve $400
credit. But only if I spend my money with them, so they get it back again.
I said, nobody polices this rogue industry.
Reply from ICANN please.