If you want to post a site on helping cancer sufferers, then you are NOT "bashing"
anyone if you wished you had the right to register www.cancer.infoIf you want
to post a site to help raise money for orphans, then you are NOT "bashing" anyone
if you wished you had the right to register www.orphans.info
You are just trying
to act as a free human being, sharing in the use of the internet which should be
shared by all.
But instead, these names and thousands like them (generics) have
been reserved as Trademarks (mostly fraudulently).
I think part of Gary's reasoned
argument over many months is: what right does a US government quango like ICANN have,
to authorise a system which gives prior use of thousands of names like these (in
public use and in the public domain) to businesses who have their own Trademarks
The cybersquatting, in the case of these generic names, is done by businesses
who claim the right to deprive the rest of humanity the use of their own languages.
feel that instead of dealing in invective, you should address this side of Garry's
I don't hold particularly strong views on this issue (I never really
thought about it until Garry made me think) but I ask you:
Who's doing the cybersquatting,
once you reserve generic domains for trademark holders?
I have spoken English all
my life. What gives a US-appointed quango the right to block me from running a site
like cancer.info or orphans.info?
(Luckily, I managed to get www.prisoner.info
- I'm a former prison governor, I think you call it "warden" in the States. I'm hoping
I can develop a constructive site for families of prisoners. But I'm only able to
because by luck, business did not reserve THAT trademark.)
We, the people of the
world, have the right to use our own language, and share in the address systems of
the Net, providing (like anyone else) we do not abuse other people's rights in the