Why shouldn't people be allowed to complain about Ford Motors?People used to fight
for freedom of speech.
If the complaints are lies, then Ford can take legal action.
the complaints are published on www.FordMotors.info or www.IhaveacomplaintaboutFordMotorsnowondertheyarelayingoffsomanyworkers.com...
the fact remains, we have the right to express that complaint, and Ford has the right
to contest it.
The "trademarking" of domain names (and particularly of generic
names belonging to everyone's language) has the potential to restrict large areas
of the Internet address system to vested interests and big business.
And even if
you uphold the interests of business over everyone else, it has become clear that
thousands of names are Trademarked by different businesses in different countries
all over the world - so the system seems deeply-flawed. What gives ONE business the
right to squat on a name, at the expense of the other businesses?
And when it comes
to generics, what gives ANY business the right to squat on a name, which is in the
common usage of all people, who ALL have legitimate interests in... prisoners, cancer,
orphans, railways (in every country!), recipes, childcare, etc etc
What incredible
ARROGANCE to think that anyone has a prior right over everyday words like these -
and what a travesty, when you consider how well all these sites could be used for
humanity, instead of being "trademarked" by one business out of hundreds, in one
country out of hundreds.