If the Afilias Sunrise process permitted "NONE" to be submitted in every single Trademark
data field, then what was the point of allowing that, since it simply enabled anyone
to register a domain at Sunrise, whether they had a Trademark or not.If the Afilias
Sunrise process did NOT permit "NONE" to be submitted in every single Trademark data
field - and the ICANN/Afilias contract makes clear that it was NOT permissable -
then WHY did Hal Lubsen's company DomainBank submit over 90 names like this, and
charge $15000 for the scam?
And is it not STAGGERING, that the Afilias CEO should
be embroiled in the abuse of his own Sunrise procedures like this?
And why will
he not defend his actions, or apologise to the people who were defrauded as a result?