If you got GarryAndersonsMommaIsABigFatHo.com:It would be obvious to visitors
that the author of that site was an imbecile and would be wondering as to their motive.
say I had FordMotors.com to complain of the death of my daughter (and the deaths
of many other people):
Visitors could see the author was in grief - doing it to
warn others how little Ford Motors care for the lives of people driving their vehicles.
did it take so long for them to do something about it?
Surely the management, each
individually, are guilty of manslaughter at the very least?
Your arguments seems
to be that of somebody desperately hunting around for excuses to stop free speech
on the Internet.
Not in Big Business or a lawyer are you?
If so, not supprised
you are shaking in your boots.