Easy> Maybe you're right... but these TM guys will always find a way: e.g. selling
or leasing finance.info to a subsidiary. G> They would lose their trademark.
The mark is for the goods and services of the owner only - it would be abuse of mark
to use it for different types of goods or services.
Easy> Selling finance.info
does not mean that you would lose the TM 'finance'.
Easy> Could you please show
me some references in Afilias' policy which says that a subsequent registrant of
a sunrise domain requires a trademark.
I would say, based on past performance,
Afilias policy is only good for toilet paper.
Trademark owner of the word 'finance'
could not use it for finance - but could for anything else e.g. selling socks.
was refering to the fact that the Sunrise period was for trademark registrant to
protect their mark.
If they later sell it - then they could be deemed to no longer
be protecting their mark.
They legally have to protect their mark - If they do
not, they lose the right to it - ask any lawyer.
They would presumably only sell
Sunrise domain when they transfer trademark to new owner.
Which is why Sunrise
domains cannot show product or service that they state.
Which is another reason
why Sunrise is all a load of bull*.