The reason Afilias can't criticise Lars Hindsley for abusing their Sunrise system,
is that the company of their own CEO - Hal Lubsen - was at it too : charging $15000
in one instance to submit 93 cases of...Trademark name: NONE
Trademark country:
Trademark date: NONE
Trademark number: NONE
So if the CEO of Afilias
was prepared to preside over the abuse of his own system, breaking the specific rules
and contract set out by ICANN, how can Afilias complain about Lars Hindsley and Spy
And let's face it, Afilias Director Govinda Leopold was caught out
with her company submitting fake data for, and
mean, who the hell is protecting the consumer in all this? ICANN are craven in their
silence and their negligent desertion of consumers' interests.
Lars Hindsley put
in the TM numbers for his customers. They were made up numbers. But Afilias executives
and directors were equally in conflict with their own rules.
The question is: who
is policing this shambles? Who is protecting the consumers?