You say:> Why did ICANN and Afilias construct such a 'soft' and flimsy procedure,
when they could perfectly well have been rigid on the applicants responsibility to
provide eligible data? Especially when you consider that even I - a complete outsider
and newbie - had identified this as a problem?
> Were they THAT incompetent
or were they simply corrupt?
'Soft' and flimsy procedure? - barely covers the matter,
does it?
Given that they KNEW about the deliberate so-called 'FLAW' and they were
even told by "a complete outsider and newbie" (and still did nothing);
Which is
the most likely answer, on the balance of probability - incompetence OR corruption?
in mind they are not complete outsiders or newbies - these are very expert people
- including people in the business and lawyers.
If I was on the jury - it is certain,
they are guilty of corruption.