Stop action cannot be used against you unless the party filed an ip claim during
sunrise.Otherwise, they will have to go the normal route, udrp or court, and it
won't be easy for them, especially with a generic name.
Here is my understanding
of biz sunrise as it is now.
You prereg a name through a regsitrar like idregister
or domainbank. If a name has an ip claim on it, you will be notified in near future
(idregister actually tells you right away) in an email from neulevel. In any
case, you will be notified with a confirmation email and you will need to confirm
intention to proceed.
Ip claims have priority and are examined one by one, with
illegitimate ones discarded as ip claimants show their stuff. Legitimate tm wins
If there are no legitimate tms, or if there are a few - it goes to round
robin. Round robin with all prereggers (if no ip claim) or round robin with mult
legit ip claims.
As far as I understand it, no new ip claims can be made, just
old ones confirmed. So if there were no claims made on the name already, stop action
is simply not available.
Is this the way it is in general?