Many of the registrars have
lost a lot of time and money during .INFO Landrush due to applicants not paying for
their domains and the registrars hence being stuck with the domains. These
were the honest & reputable registrars that did not charge a pre-registration fee...
Now in the similar .BIZ Landrush forthcoming, these registrars have
now learned from their mistakes and most will now charge the fees beforehand (many
I have talked to have stated this). I'd like to see Neulevel encourage its
registrars to not charge pre-registration fees, and if an applicant fails to pay
the registrar in a specified period of time, the registrar may return these domains
to Neulevel at no cost lost to them.
Neulevel for its part,
should record the top 5 drawn names for each domain in case of non-payment.
This process would take no public policy updates, merely an email to Neulevel's registrars
encouraging them to not charge the entire registration fee upfront. If Neulevel
does not step in, this Landrush will end up costing the applicants an upfront cost
of 5-10+ times the $2-5 "lottery" ticket cost of the first round, and leave them
stuck with registrar admin. fees much greater than this.
II will be for the rich and large corporations unless Neulevel steps in and works
with its registrars...