You can have my .org when you pry it from my cold, dead hands...
This message is a response to the proposal of
changing the format of .org to strictly "Non-Profit" organizations. 1. How can
a singular definition of "Non-Profit" be applied to .org websites? The formal definition
of "Non Profit" is too narrow to justify the huge disruption this will cause with
current .org owners and webmasters.
2. How will ICANN police the web content to
insure it is indeed non profit? If there is no way to enforce a law, then it is not
logical to initiate it.
3. Many people have made sizeable investments in .org
as a general and non-specific use domain name.
4. After years of common
law acceptance as a general use domain, it is not logical to disrupt the hundreds
of thousands of .org owners and initiate a "new" strict formats.
5. .org owners
should not be penalized. Once the domain name was sold, the circumstances surrounding
that sale did not specify that
the corporation be a non-profit.
6. Will the
US government and/or ICANN sieze these names from the owners? The ends do not justify
the means, because so many people will be negatively affected for the benefit of,
well, nobody.
7. Website content cannot be controlled by any government body,
because of free speech rights.
8. There is an extensive list of companies,
organizations, and websites that have voiced their opposition to ANY change in the
current web format for .org and .net. Please visit to protect
your rights and join the fight as a .org domain name owner!