I think the 007Names/MustardSeedEcommerce gambit in the .info Landrush was a pretty
sweet operation.For those who aren't familiar with the story, 007Names had a .info
preregistration web site which appeared to be designed to deter public use of 007Names.
When the Landrush registrations were processed, apparently only Mustard Seed Ecommerce
preregistrations had been cueued at 007Names - with great success.
I am guessing
that 007Names/MustardSeedEcommerce had the shortest Landrush cueue, with the possible
exception of one or two of the very, very expensive registrars which had planned
short cueues shortened futher by the readyness of Afilias to process and register
fraudulent Sunrise applications.
Until I am shown contrary evidence, I will suspect
that the actions of 007Names/MustardSeedEcommerce in the .info Landrush was the worst
instance of registrar abuse of ICANN rules on registrars registering names for themselves.