I like the professional business
imaging this address imparts on my B2B network. The best part about .biz is that
it is newly minted and so all of us internet laggards have the golden opportunity
to grab virtually 100% complete sets of names for our specific industries... except
for this Smiley fiasco ... mutter, mutterIt remains to be seen how fast .biz will
become the preferred extension of white-collar professional companies. But succeed
it will. .biz is not just another ccTLD, its a true blue gTLD in the likes of .com,
something which we have not experienced since the advent of the WWW. For the very
first time, we have a 100% pure business badge on the internet, on our name cards,
when we talk to our colleagues... blah blah blah
Leave the .coms as a legacy of
the early days of the WWW. Time to move to better and more appropriate internet addressing.