I asked for clarification, because I feel there are uncertainties about this case.My
understanding is that Philip Grabensee agreed to have a whole lot of customers applications
registered in his name, and that these registrations were not for himself.
fits in with the fact that many of the Sunrise names are obscure ones which are worth
nothing except to genuine customers.
Also, call me gullible, but I can't believe
that Mr Grabensee would be so stupid as to register all these names to carry out
a Sunrise scam.
What DOES trouble me, however, is that he was willing to be involved
at all in registering these names. Surely this involved him in a hopeless conflict
of interests, and left him open to embarrassment when some of these names were successfully
Like it or not, he - an Afilias director - has been involved in fraudulent
applications (which also defrauded Landrush customers).
As ICANN refuses to police
or enforce its own contracts, the consumer is left defenseless.
I would, at the
very least, expect an account and explanation on this forum from Philip Grabensee
: IF he is an honorable man.