about the registrar scams?I think that anyone planning to pay hard earned money
for Landrush 11 preregistrations should remember the lessons of Landrush 1.
forget the hit rate of the registrars you used in the first rush. I know that
I had eight registrars come up with didly squat - I suspect because they cueued their
client's preregistrations with those of other registrars. Others simply had
giant cueues and whether you had a one-name-once-only preregistration or an unlimited
lottery ticket, you stood bugger-all chance of your prereg being the first drawn
from the barrel.
I think we should all remember the success of 007Names in Landrush
1 - success evidently for just one registrant - Mustard Seed Ecommerce. It
seems that 007Names stood in the .info launch market place as a registrar, but a
registrar which wasn't interested in doing business for anyone other than Mustard
Seed Ecommerce.
When you think about your chances in Landrush 11, I think that
you should keep in mind that 007Names/MustardSeed may not yet have satisfied its
appetite for good names, and as they showed in Landrush 1, if you control a short
cueue, you're laughing.
Good Luck Landrushers - you deserve a break and
a far better hand than that dealt to you in Landrush 1 by ICANN, Afilias Ltd and
some of their registrars.
May the straight registrars prosper and the flim flam
registrars crash and burn!