As success Arno Ebner analyses the disputed methodology of Tiscover.
Domain Domain-Grap is disclaimed - Ebner: 75% of the addresses will keep probable!
MORE TISCOVER FEARS FOR INFO. ADDRESSES The procedure of Tiscover was disputed with
the reservation of Internet addresses with the ending info.. 25% of the addresses
might be denied. IINNSBRUCK (ft). over 4900 Internet addresses (Domainnamen) with
the Top level Domain info. the Tiroler tourism provider in the Internet, could be
reserved Tiscover. The process way with the Vorreservierung was extremely disputed.
This was made during the so-called Sunrise Period. According to the registration
authority Afilias was created this period, in order to protect mental property and
prevent Cyber Piraterie. Therefore only owners of entered registered trade marks
and service designations have might let their info. Domainnamen register. It is remarkable
that under the addresses stressed by Tiscover itself many on not label-legally contactorable
regions -, city or place names refer. RESISTANCE. Now Tiscover might not get all
before-reserved addresses nevertheless. " are still at the current point in time
a quarter of the 4900 addresses in schwebe. We do not know yet whether we receive
them ", so to Tiscover boss Arno Ebner. On the one hand Vorreservierungen were beeinsprucht:
" those are 6% of the addresses. " Thus according to Ebner Tiscover for example the
address of the municipality pointed info. let reserve. The fruit juice manufacturer
beinsprucht this. On the other hand has Afilias, which for the assignment of the
Top level Domain info. responsible person consortium decided, recently a change of
process: Vorreservierungen in the Sunrise Period of geographical designations and
names are again again assigned. " this change of process concerns between 20 and
22 per cent, the info. Domains " reserved by Tiscover, estimates Ebner. When and
how these were assigned, is not certain. NO CYBER PIRATERIE ONES? Although Tiscover
might not have a success therefore in 25% of the cases with its tactics, Ebner calls
the methodology success: " we can put probably 75 per cent of the info. addresses
before-reserved by us to the Austrian tourism at the disposal. " Each info. address
was passed on free of charge to regional and local Tiscover contents. If a tourism
federation wants to have an address, it can acquire it according to Ebner at a usual
market price. " one offers you then in the context of the Domain service by Tiscover.
We make also no cash to it ". From the possible omission of 1225 addresses no costs
would result to the Internetdienstleister: " other companies for us executed the
reservation. Only the addresses are paid, those we also really gotten ", explain
Ebner. It rejects the reproach of the Domain Grabbings further sharply: It was a
clean internal message for Tiscover customers ". copyright: Tiroler daily paper,
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