I was an observer and active
bidder in the eNom bidding system. And I would like to relate what happened.The
bidding was supposed to end at 11 am PST. It continued till at least 40 min after
this stipulated time.
I was bidding for a name which went up to over $1,600 and
with constant refresh on broadband, I knew I was the top bidder.
At approx 40min+
after the supposed closing period in a estimated 3 min window, I noticed that many
names magically shoot up in bids by significant amounts. Despite my per second refresh,
the moment the amount shot up, the server immediately "died" after that.
I have
always believed that the domain game is really gamed and that the ordinary man is
inherently disadvantaged by the system. The pickings are too lucrative to expect
any fairness in the system. Why should anyone want to be fair? ICANN accredited registrars
appear to be taking on the privilege of registration with loop holes the size of
a black hole.
As a netizen, I can only say that ICANN must be blamed for this travesty
in allowing and facilitating registrars the methods and means to game the system.
My best acquisitions in the .info and .biz landrush were from non-descript registrars
in Israel and Australia who may still believe in morals and fairness. It is clear
that many else, are just out there to line their pockets with corrupt and privileged
Garry, yes, this domain shinanigan is corrupt. God bless all of us.