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Username: GettingScrewed
Date/Time: Thu, March 7, 2002 at 4:36 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V6.0 using Windows NT 5.1
Score: 5
Subject: Don't Worry Shelby


        Look, IOD has many customers whom shouldn't forgotten. For their money, the customers have a right to bitch and moan if the registry site does not resolve.  In fact, if I hadn't mentioned the site was down, we never would have known IOD hadn't laid out money for 24 hour backup.

IOD should stay on their toes, and keep to their promise of running a robust, reliable registry.  Going down because of no 24 hour backup is not running a robust, reliable regsitry. If Afilias does it again, we'll scream about that too.  I don't care if Ambler and Frangie take
side jobs at McDonalds, but they should really keep the site up, always.  Unless of course they don't consider it that important. If that's the case, we need to know that too.

If it's no big deal, then just shut down altogether.


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