Local country laws serve to
handle trademarks registered locally. Aren't ccTLDs supposed to assist in that area?Any
company in the world can apply to register with USPTO. I did, and I am not even a
company. So can any Bora Bora company - if they are serious about using a worldwide
channel to communicate their wares to a worldwide audience.
My point is that there
should be equitability in standards for trademarks being submitted as 'qualifiers'
(read "first advantage to grab a name")for the sunrise period of gTLDs.
This is
not about prejudice. It's about a fair chance for everyone who thinks they deserve
the first shot at a gTLD. It's about preventing fraud, and hucksters, and gaming
and cheating and manipulation of trademark use in the sunrise.
The domain game
is played by very unprincipled people out there who will do whatever it takes to
gain a business advantage to the detriment of the rest of ordinary netizens. Lie,
cheat, misrepresent, inside gaming, sloppy quality filters by the registry, you name
it, its all there. The .info sunrise has underlined the need for tough rules, most
people will be able to appreciate that, except the gamers.
If it means charging
a hefty admin fee for sunrise to allow for necessary checks, then let that be the
cost by the registry of doing business. Better high sunrise fees than fraud and corruption.