To my mind: for free speech is okay - to complain about their business
practice or other reasons.If they used for passing off - this is
obviously WRONG.
Passing off would be impossible with .reg !
It is obvious why
they do not want .reg - they want excuses to take away domain from legal owner. This
is to dominate the word over others who use it and muffle criticism.
You are right
- passing off should only be settled in the courts, not during Sunrise. This is supposed
to be 'OPEN' TLD to the public - repeat an 'OPEN' gTLD.
Sunrise is a scam for several
reasons e.g. to make out they are doing something so that all trademark owners can
get domain - unlikely as 100's of trademarks may fight over the 1 domain. Also -
the greedy bums can steal the best generics for themselves.
The unprincipled cybersquatters
(outside of system) just help cover up registrar and registry scams.