Why weren't the .info & .biz
launches handled by the Afilias & Neulevel alone?
There's no reasonable answer apart from the fact that the way they
did it allowed for a much deeper and more satisfying level of TOTALLY PLANNED corruption.
Various of the more speculation-excited amongst this forum seem to
love the "landrush" concept.
The whole idea of a "landrush"
is Wild Western Bullshit. (BTW: The actual "landrushes" of history have all been
scenarios where the corrupt "administrators" {qv registrars} of 'new' lands have
made heaps of money, generally conning simpletons into stealing land from the original
How to avoid a landrush:
Initial phase: (PRIMARY
registry controlled)
1) Certain names in potentially 'useful' spaces like .info
are restricted to entities with valid (non-TM) claims to them. (IE: Country names
to federal governments, localities to local governments, tourist icons to tourism
assns, generics to long-standing non-profit organizations, trade associations etc).
Contentious names in 'corporate/services' spaces like .biz are restricted to entities
with earliest valid and applicable TM claim. WIPO supervison to be AUDITED (not by
Arthur Andersen)
3) Remaining high profile names are auctioned using open and accountable
AUDITED system.
General phase:
Free-for-all (from registrars if desired, but
all a registrar does is resell something at an inflated price - the only reason Awfullius
didnt deal direct was to muddy the waters of corruption).
PS: My scheme wont
work - It'll never 'appen - Its not corrupt!