I think what he said needs revising:He obviously meant "the best means of achieving
public repression or the exclusion of Internet users in the ICANN process."
the changes they want, they will need a complete rewrite of the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION:
This Corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for
the private gain of any person.
[Except the private gain of group of individual
persons is okay e.g. Directors of ICANN and Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue - ICANN's
law firm]
4. The Corporation shall operate for the benefit of the Internet community
as a whole, carrying out its activities in conformity with relevant principles of
international law and applicable international conventions and local law and, to
the extent appropriate and consistent with these Articles and its Bylaws, through
open and transparent processes that enable competition and open entry in Internet-related
[Except not for benefit of the public in the Internet community. Can ignore
the Laws relating to fraud and deception.]