Great site. I think in order to get the widest variety
of sites in your engine, you should not require a link back. At least not now with
there being so relatively few info sites in existence. One thing you could do
however to really encourage recip linking is to create a spiderable "link partners"
page right from the index and list in basic html, no script database stuff, the info
sites that have linked back to you. A simple fixed list of sites like on domebase.
Except yours will be much much smaller as it will only have sites that link back.
So it shouldn't be too much work - at least I think it wouldn't be but maybe im wrong.
would create a very good incentive to link back to you. So you could leave it voluntary
- every info site that submits gets in the engine, but sites that link back
are in the engine and have an easily spiderable link pointing back at them on that
link partners page and have the extra exposure. I don't know if all search engines
spiders that will spider your site can easily get the link content info from your
setup now. Of course, the main thrust of your page is that it offers exposure in
the form of people looking up stuff and finding sites. But this extra twist could
really bring the links pointing back at you in.
So this way you also contribute
to peoples rank in addition to giving them exposure. I know if you do this I will
link back to you ( like I have with domebase.
Another thing is add
metatags - especially description and keyword metatags. Also add a little paragraph
of text on your front page - maybe under or above those three buttons - spiders
love a little relevant text. Shape it around your target keywords and phrases (which
should be few). Maybe it could explain your mission a little, function, purpose or
offer some info beyond what those buttons say. It will help your rank tremendously.
Also add relevant "alt" text to the bottoms and images on your site.
Lastly, include
a text link link-back option. Maybe you offer that but I didnt see it. Text links
are very good for se's spiders to follow. Make the text of your link reflect the
target keywords of your site. Se's like google love that.
Anyway, just a few thoughts
on what you could do. There are lots of things you could do.
Good efforts here
with promoting info.
Info imo is taking off in a very slow but very strong way
and probably will really explode once the stolen names are redistributed.
in NY, the info extension is already known thanks to the efforts of the mta, the
metropolitan transportation authority. The mta was using a very long url and there
are reasons for people here in NY to use public sites heavier than normal, but you
don't go from 200,000 to 2-3 million hits a month without making some sort of impression
or without having offered a url with good basic rememberabilty. The mta has
really begun to push ads of it in the last month. I think they were so blown away
by the increase in viewership with little advertising of the that they want
to see what happens when they do actually advertise it.
Info will just take a
little time. The extension itself has all it needs imo.
Good luck!